Tuesday, June 29 2021
The Answer I’m an inquisitive type of person. Many times, questions come to mind and I want an answer. So, like most people today, I type the question in a search engine. The little “thinking” button goes round and round and then a dozen or more answers appear on my screen. You get everybody, and his brother’s, opinion. A few days ago, I typed in a question that went something like this. “How to market my book.” I typed that question right after the UPS man brought eight cases of Jacob’s Cottage. I was already far surpassing most writers with book reviews and book sales, but I wanted to know how other people do it. I figured that I might be able to pick up an idea or two from them. Well, I found out that most aspiring writers never become successful. They have hopes and dreams, just as I do. They spend hours writing the book, fewer hours editing it, and then even fewer hours than that marketing it. The success story they thought they wrote, becomes cases of books in the storage house. Nowadays, however, if you go with a print-on-demand company, you start out with a couple books and an empty bank account. That’s a very popular way to publish, believe it or not. According to the experts, I’m doing it all wrong. Do you know why? They are not getting in on the profits. Only if you hire them to guide you, to coach you, to publish you, to review you, or to edit your work will you become successful. So, to make life easier for me, I decided to write and market my books the correct way. It’s all a matter of putting God in the driver’s seat. 1. God is the author. I’m just the typist. He speaks. I listen and type. 2. God is my editor. He tells me to read it again and again, then one more time. He points out the mistakes. I attended a four day writers conference a few years back. The greatest tidbit of advice I heard came from the keynote speaker. He said, “when you are a Christian writer, only present your best work to God.” That doesn’t mean my books are perfect. It means they are my best work possible. I try to give my Boss, my best. 3. God is my marketer. He knows the needs of all people. I don’t. He knows who can benefit by reading my books. And He knows how to put them before the readers of His choice. Has He presented Jacob’s Cottage to you? 4. God is my publicist. He gives me the story to share with the world. Then when I have written a good book, with His message, it’s bound to be successful. For He had full control of every aspect of the book. He will publicize it, and make it a bestseller if He so desires. As for me... I’m His servant. He called me to write in November, 1997. He equipped me by giving me something to say. Will I become rich writing? Nope. Will I become famous writing? Nope. Will I win a Pulitzer Prize. Nope. For my books are not about me. They are about Him. So, when my agent tells me to go to the computer, I go. Why do I spend so much time writing? Because one day it is my heart’s desire that God will look at me and say “welcome, good and faithful servant.” And then I’ll spend forever with my Father, author of all good works, editor, marketer and publicist. I will have the correct answer to my question, “How to market my book.” “ The answer is simple and straightforward. Give it to God and give Him the glory.” God’s book will reach every person who accepts it. He won’t force it on anyone. Did you like Jacob’s Cottage? If so, say thank you to Jesus. It came from Him. And tell somebody first about Jesus, then about the book. Only He is Worthy! Comments: